September 12, 2022
Toronto Police Service
On September 12, 2022 Cst. Andrew Hong of the Toronto Police Traffic Services was taking a break from a training exercise when he was shot and killed by a lone gunman in Mississauga.
Cst. Hong was taking a lunch break at a Tim Horton’s in Mississauga, Ontario where he had been participating in a joint training exercise with Peel Regional Police and York Regional Police. A lone gunman targeted him, shooting him at close range. Cst. Hong died at the scene.
The lone gunman attempted to take Cst. Hong’s sidearm but was unsuccessful due to the holster locking mechanism. The gunman fled the scene in a stolen vehicle, eventually showing up at an auto body shop where a second shooting took place. The daylight shootings left one other dead and three others injured. The suspect fled to the city of Hamilton, where he was later located and shot by police. He died at the scene of an interaction with authorities in Mount Hamilton Cemetery.
Cst. Andrew Hong was 48 years old and a 22-year veteran of the Toronto Police Service. He is survived by his wife, two children and his parents. Our condolences go out to the family, friends and colleagues. He will be remembered.