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Society Receives Generous Donation from EPS Constable’s Lounge

The Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Ribbon Society received a large cheque from the Edmonton Police Service Constables Lounge. This was a great surprise and will go directly to the Memorial Ribbon Scholarship which in turn will support the children of fallen officers attend a Post Secondary institution of their choice. We would like to thank the Constables Lounge and members for their generous donation. Please read the background of their work towards raising these funds.

For over the past ten years time, the Edmonton Police Service Constable’s Lounge Executive Committee has maintained the lead as the organizer and host for the Alberta Police Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament, which draws golfers from across Alberta, always coincides with the Alberta Police and Peace Officer Memorial day which takes place each year on the last Sunday in September at the Alberta Legislature Grounds. The tournament brings together Police and civilians alike to remember and honour fallen officer’s in a setting which lends itself to a good-time; boosting morale and comradery.

As one can imagine, or maybe even experienced; this weekend is always a mixed bag in terms of the weather. We’ve experienced everything from snow, wind, and rain to sunny warm fall days. Whatever the weather, we always have a turn-out of supportive and dedicated golfers partaking in this important Memorial weekend event.

Over the recent years, the EPS Constable’s Lounge Executive Committee, comprised of sworn EPS member volunteers, have endeavoured to continue to support the Alberta Police and Peace Officer Memorial Day and what this day represents to us in Law Enforcement. The Memorial Ribbon Society, sometimes referred to as the Police Officer’s Benevolent fund, is where our proceeds from this tournament are donated.

As a result of hard work and collective decision making by past and present members of the EPS Constable’s Lounge Executive Committee, the last two year’s of the golf tournament’s have resulted in significant overages. This has culminated in the EPS Constable’s Lounge presenting the Memorial Ribbon Society with a cheque for $10, 500.00 on February 4, 2020. As you can see in the attached photo, many of the EPS Constable’s Lounge Executive Committee members were in attendance for a cheque presentation, along with Chief of Police Dale McFee.

It was a humbling moment for members of the Executive Committee to see years of hard work and progressive ideas result in such a significant donation. A donation that is reportedly the largest the Memorial Ribbon Society has received to date. This event, and what it represents is held close to the hearts of all involved in the planning, preparation, and execution. Our service is not alone when it comes to experiencing tragedy, and seeing a colleague make the ultimate sacrifice. As a committee, we believe it is important and incumbent upon us to always remember and recognize our fallen members.

The EPS Constable’s Lounge Executive Committee would like to recognize and extend a thank-you to the following groups and individuals for there continuous support and generosity over the past several years. Memorial weekend, and the Alberta Police Memorial Golf Tournament would not be possible without your continued involvement: Edmonton Police Service Chief’s Committee; Edmonton Police Service Sergeant’s Mess; Edmonton Police Association; Alberta Federation of Police Associations; The Alberta Police Memorial Planning Committee; Edmonton Police Service Corps Sergeant Major; Alberta Police Service, Peace Officer, and Military members; EPS Veteran’s Association; Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf and Curling Club; and the Edmonton Police Service Constable’s Lounge membership.