The BC Police and Peace Officers Memorial will take place this year on September 25 at the Cloverdale Millennium Amphitheatre at the corner of 176 St. and 64 Ave. View a map of the location (PDF).
- Date: September 25, 2011
- Time of Service: 1300 hours
- Muster: 1220 hours, on 62A Ave. near the wooden arch (coffee and donuts, Porta-Potties available)
- Step Off: 1240 hours
- Marching: out 62A Ave. on to 176 St. to the corner of 64 Ave. then march down to the Amphitheatre
- Parking: lots of parking in the lot behind the Agriplex, within walking distance of all points required for the Ceremony; entrance is easiest off of 64th Ave.
- Dress: dress uniforms, duty uniforms with stripped duty belts, court attire (if you are on duty then duty uniform is appropriate)
- Change Rooms: second floor of the Recreation Centre
- Reception: to follow and includes finger food and beverages (non-alcoholic)
Don’t forget to wear your Memorial Ribbon (available at the PSC).
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