Several additional sponsors have joined in our efforts to raise funds at the 2022 Annual Memorial Ribbon Scholarship Golf Tournament fundraiser, to be held August 12, 2022. The Tournament will be hosted at the Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club, and will help raise $25,000 for the Memorial Ribbon Scholarship.
Gold Sponsor – Edmonton Police Constables’ Lounge
The Edmonton Police Constables’ Lounge has stepped up and has become a Gold Level sponsor for the golf tournament. The Constables’ Lounge is supported by EPS members, who donate monthly. The Lounge is an area for members to decompress and gather to support one another. 2022 marks the second time that the Lounge has donated a large sum of money to the Memorial Ribbon Society, 100% of which goes towards supporting the children of officers killed in the line of duty to attend post secondary education. Thank you EPS Police Constables’ Lounge for your ongoing support.
Hole in One Prize – New Harley Davidson Motorcycle
Trev Deeley Harley Davidson has generously put up a brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle as one of the three Hole In One prizes. Register to play in the tournament and make a ‘drive’ to win this great prize. Thank you Trev Deeley Harley Davidson!
Hole in One Prize – Millennium Logo Gloves
Millennium Logo Gloves has not only donated custom fit golf gloves for the registrants, but has also put up a cash prize of $35,000 for one of the three Hole In One prizes. Register to play in the tournament and ‘take a shot’ at winning this great prize. Thank you Millennium Logo Gloves!
Become a Sponsor
If you’d like to golf / participate in the 2022 Annual Memorial Ribbon Scholarship Golf Tournament, or join our growing list of sponsor, please visit for complete details.