As a charity, the Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Ribbon Society relies on volunteers as our presence at different events, memorial ceremonies and funerals, as well as to run the Society’s operations behind the scenes. Our volunteers often travel long distances and have weathered everything from heavy downpours and heavy winds blowing both the rain and our tent sideways, snowfalls, cold temperatures, and hot temperatures, all to ensure people are aware of tragic incidents and have the opportunity to purchase a Ribbon and show support for fallen officers.
I would like to take this time to thank all those that have stepped up and helped us out over the past number of years, including Diane Coady, Robin Loucks, Terra Hoy, Debi Pyke, and Torin Coady.
The photos below show our volunteers and some Directors hosting an information tent at the Abbotsford PTSD walk / run in 2017 and 2018, the John Davidson vigil in 2017, the John Davidson funeral in 2017, and the Ian Jordan funeral in 2018.
Thank you again to our Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Ribbon Society volunteers.
Shawn Coady, M.O.M. C.D.