The Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Ribbon Society became a national charity in 2008. Since that time we have received many donations – large donations, small donations, monthly donations, and donations in memory of an officer / loved one. The Society held our first fundraiser in August, and we had many generous people donate throughout the night, making it a huge success.
100% of all donations go to the Society’s Memorial Ribbon Scholarship fund, which assists and supports the children of fallen officers with their post secondary education. The Memorial Ribbon Scholarship was created in 2011 and to date the Scholarship has helped fourteen children, with two having graduated in the last few years. In 2018, we had three more children apply for the scholarship and we anticipate many more over the next few years.
The Society’s goal is to expand the scholarship to include education for ‘special needs’ children of fallen officers no matter what the age.
The Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Ribbon Society is the only society or entity in Canada that offers a scholarship to the children of fallen officers in law enforcement (‘sworn’ police and peace officers who enforce our laws, whether National, Provincial, Municipal or Indigenous).
Scott Shepherd, the Memorial Ribbon Scholarship Foundation Chair, recently stated:
“Daily, we see our people in uniform serving in their many jobs, but rarely stop to think about the ultimate risk and sacrifice that some pay while they are performing their jobs in the line of duty. Yet if you talk to them, you will realize that they view their job as an honour and privilege to serve. The risk comes with the territory and they are proud to protect us.
We feel the loss of each of these officers as they are announced, but perhaps don’t think of the long-term consequences of this loss to the individual families as the years go by, and their children grow up without their mother or father.
Tough choices, lonely choices. Particularly for the costs of post-secondary education.
I ask myself, how can such a compassionate and caring society not in some way ensure that these children are provided for as they grow up. To give each access to education excellence that we would be proud of for each of our own sons and daughters. For make no mistake, they are our sons and daughters. Each of these children is Canada’s ward, and we should embrace them and ensure that their educational needs are met if they wish to proceed with post-secondary education.”
It is through your generosity that we are able to support the children of these ‘heroes’. As we take away some of the financial burden of post secondary education, the surviving family is better able to focus on healing.
I would like to take this time to thank all those that have donated to the Society and for those who continue to support the Memorial Ribbon Scholarship. Thank you.
Shawn Coady, M.O.M. C.D.